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Empowering the Individual.

Building a Ben Torah.

Shaarei Adirim offers various opportunities for talmidim to explore their individual strengths and achieve successes they never imagined possible. These accomplishments fuel our Bochurim to apply themselves in all areas of their lives.

Spotlight on Safrus

Sefer Torah Initiative

Under the leadership of our Sofer Mumcheh U’musmach, Rabbi Paysach Kacev, our talmidim are writing their own Sefer Torah! To date Chumach Bereishis is nearly complete!

opportunities tab Sefer Torah initiative

Student Leadership

After-School Chaburah Program

In a unique mentorship opportunity, Shaarei Adirim Bochurim coach boys in grades 4-8 in the skills they have mastered in Yeshiva. This valuable experience offers our Bochurim the chance for further growth, by giving and inspiring others.

Discover the Yeshiva that is just right for your son.




Resistance Training

Culinary Experience

Krav Maga

Auto Mechanics




Computer Coding

Chess Club